Going further – training

Training to become a Feldenkrais Practitioner

There are many places around the world to train to become a Feldenkrais Practitioner. Accredited trainings follow the guidelines set down by the four Training Accreditation Boards (European, German, North American and Australian). The guidelines ensure breadth and quality in the training process and are a basis for professionalism and consistency in the method.

Their graduates are entitled to use terms like Feldenkrais Method®, that are controlled by service marks.

The format of accredited trainings

Accredited trainings meet for eight weeks each year, for four years.

The teaching staff are drawn from an internationally-agreed roster of Trainers and Assistant Trainers. Experienced practitioners usually visit the training as well. The resulting community of students, staff and visiting practitioners is a rich and exciting opportunity for learning at many levels and across several ‘generations’ of the Feldenkrais community.

UK trainings

The first UK training graduated in London in 1990. Trainings are ongoing, with new trainings starting regularly.

  • Feldenkrais International Training Centre, led by Garet Newell, runs trainings in Sussex. For more information see www.feldenkrais-itc.com.

International Feldenkrais organisations

International Feldenkrais Federation


The IFF maintains the Moshe Feldenkrais archive. It has an extensive bibliography of books, articles and research relating to the method and is an international umbrella organisation for:

  • National guilds from around the world
  • The Training Accreditation Boards (or TABs) – for Europe and Israel (EuroTAB), Australia and the Pacific (AusTAB), the Americas (NATAB) and Germany (DeTAB)

Euro Training Accreditation Board (EuroTAB) & EuroTAB Council


The TABs accredit trainings and applications for Assistant Trainer and Trainer status. The TAB members are volunteers from the community, representing the entire region of each jurisdiction.

The EuroTAB is the Training Accreditation Board for Europe (apart from Germany) and Israel. Their site lists all current trainings in their region.

EuroTAB Council (ETC)

EuroTAB Council (ETC) is the governing body of EuroTAB. It includes representatives from the European and Israeli member guilds.